Monday 28 November 2011

Moving Day(s)!!

We are finally all moved in, still have boxes everywhere and are sleeping on a mattress on the floor (only Peter and I; the boys put their beds together already!)

There wasn't one single day that was designated as moving day. Peter just kept loading up the trailer and the cars every chance he got over the last few days and then enlisting the help of one or more of the boys to help him unload it all at the other end. It was my job to make sure there were enough things packed and ready to go to be able to fill the trailer and cars whenever he came back to the rental with enough energy to go again.

Thanks to the wonderful friends and family who helped us move all the little bits and especially to Clare and Debbie for unpacking the kitchen so I could find enough pots, pans and plates to cook dinner and keep the troops happy!

Now we just need to work out where to put everything ...

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